Austerity not an option

Roberto Lavagna, Buenos Aires, December 2014
Economic policies –and thus social policies too – are often presented as inevitable outcomes, when facing certain circumstances. Those who tend to support the inevitability of such responses are members of formal and informal coalitions –more precisely ‘powers’ – which bring together multilateral organizations (the IMF and the World Bank) with local orthodox economic and conservative actors with both international and local financial interests (in the wider sense of this term).
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El “ajuste” no es una opción

Roberto Lavagna, Buenos Aires, Diciembre 2014

Muchas veces se presentan a las políticas económicas -y por ende sociales- como hechos inevitables frente a determinadas circunstancias. Quienes tienden a sostener esta teoría de lo “inevitable” responden a coaliciones formales o informales -en realidad “poderes”- que reúnen a organismos multilaterales (FMI, Banco Mundial) + sectores conservadores ortodoxos locales + intereses ligados a las finanzas, en el sentido amplio, locales e internacionales.
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